Fan vs Fan

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

DGS Podcast Announcement

Dear Down Goes Spezza Readers,

So; due to the great support I've gotten from you, the DGS readers, I have decided that the "Uncensored, Unedited and Live-ish" format for the podcast is the way to go. That means that as soon as an episode is recorded, it will be immediately uploaded to this website for you to hear and to download. That means you'll hear all the random thoughts and tangents we go off on. As always keep on listening. Thanks for your support. Also, keep the emails coming (send them to and I'll take the time to answer them and if it's podcast related, I will read them on the air. Also, follow DGS on facebook here. Remember, there's no such thing as too much Down Goes Spezza in your life.

Thanks again.

Down Goes Spezza

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